BREAKING: Wonder Lung Cancer Drug

Bob Berry was told he had just 18 months left to live. However, after being one of the first in the world to test a new lung cancer drug, he has no trace of the disease left in his body.

Bob was just one of three people in England who took part in the clinical trial at the hospital, and one of just 12 people across the globe.

Bob, who is 60 years old, was diagnosed with lung cancer three years ago, after suffering pains in his shoulder. After scans revealed a shadow on his lungs, he was referred to a hospital and was given the devastating news that he had lung cancer.

He underwent surgery to remove the tumour, however, it was too late, and the disease had already spread to his lymph nodes.

He was then referred to The Christie, one of the largest cancer treatment centres in Europe, for treatment and soon began a gruelling course of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Unfortunately, all the treatments were unsuccessful.

He was then told by doctors that he only had around a year-and-a-half left to live.

The hospital then decided to transfer Bob to the hospital’s clinical trials unit, and 12 months ago Bob became one of the first people ever to be treated with the brand new drug, which can’t yet be named.

It was the first time the drug was tested on humans, with the study taking place at only six centres worldwide.

It combines the drug with an immunotherapy treatment with the intention to make it more effective. Immunotherapy treatments harness and enhance the innate powers of the immune system to fight cancer.

Bob’s latest scans show that he is in complete remission with no apparent trace of the tumour in his body.

Read the full story from The Mirror here.






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